What to Expect

What to Expect

“No Distractions — Just Interactions.”

As an all abilities family founded and forged by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Hope Community Church exists to embrace and embody Gospel hope in every arena of life. This means our Sunday mornings may look and feel different from a “traditional” or “conventional” worship experience: we prioritize people of all abilities to not simply participate in worship but to captain and lead how we worship and embrace Gospel hope.

For this reason, we lean on the idea that there are no distractions — just interactions with one to another and one another to Jesus. So if the music isn’t what you’re used to or if a friend has something to share in the middle of service, we welcome it and embrace it as we embody the Gospel together.

Kaleidoscopic Worship

As for the flow of our Sunday morning service, we pursue a kaleidoscopic worship experience using Acts 13:1-3 wherein Luke describes the first “Christian” church (that is, the first church where Jesus followers were called “Christians”) as an incredibly diverse and yet missionally united group of people gathered in Antioch. Like a kaleidoscope, this church (and our worship) is characterized by four distinctives:


Composed of “colors” of all kinds, the leaders listed in Acts 13:1-3 represented a diversity of culture, class, creed, generation, education, and more.

As much as colors intensify a kaleidoscope and capture the church in Antioch, we long to be a people from all places, gathered for one purpose: to embrace and embody the Gospel of Jesus.


Some of these leaders remained in Antioch, faithfully gathering together to eventually build the church to become one of five ancient Patriarchates prior to the East-West schism.

Similarly, our worship begins with a time of gathering under a Call to Worship from Scripture, responding to God’s Word drawing us into worship and centering us like the focal point of a kaleidoscope.


As the church faithfully gathered, they were responsible for growing historic leaders like John Chrysostom (said to be the history’s greatest preacher) and Bishop Ignatius (said to be a disciple of John).

Our worship proceeds with opportunities to grow in the Gospel through celebrating Jesus in song, trusting Jesus in prayer, and savoring Jesus in the preaching of Scripture like the interwoven colors of a kaleidoscope intensifying one another.


The church in Antioch did not simply “commission” Paul and Barnabas but supported them as they planted churches and shared the Gospel.

As the colors of a kaleidoscope not only move inward but simultaneously move outward, our service ends with a commission to join in the mission of God for the church to make disciples by embracing and embodying the Gospel in all of life, with all abilities, and for all nations.

Join us — just as you are — every Sunday at 9:30am.

Commonly Asked Questions

If you can’t find an answer to your question below, please do not hesitate to contact us and we would love to connect over email or phone and help make your visit to Hope a safe, welcoming, and Gospel-rich experience!

We have a large parking lot with several handicap parking spaces available in the front of the doors to our foyer.

We are passionate about the next generation and are currently working tirelessly to create a safe, age and ability based, reverse mainstream learning environment for kids K-5th grade. In the meantime, we invite children to worship with their parents in the main sanctuary.

Please come just as you are: from weekend casual with flip flops to your Sunday best, you are welcome here (we just ask you to please wear a top, bottom, and shoes).

With a vision and mission to be an all abilities church, we are working hard to partner with volunteers who are able to provide ASL services during worship. If you are interested in serving, please contact us at [email protected] and we would love to connect!

Every first Sunday of the month, we invite good standing members of any Bible-believing church to partake in the Lord’s Supper. Month to month, the way we partake in communion may differ slightly as we hold the sacrament to be a powerful and yet mysterious experience of Jesus’ spiritual presence (that is, we do not believe communion is merely memorial nor literal).